Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Competitor numbers were mailed directly to the teachers last week. Numbers have been distributed in advance to reduce the time needed in the morning for checking-in dancers. This is the common practice for the All-Ireland's and Worlds and worked out well in Columbus in 2005.
Dancers do not need to check in, but must dance in numerical order. Don't miss your turn!
The round starting numbers will be printed in the program (available for purchase on Thursday evening and throughout the weekend). On the back of each number is the dancer’s name, competition # and set dance. In the event of a recall, soloists can change their set speed and dance when they check in for the recall round.
Any traditional set competition over 100 dancers was split in half by birthdate. The back side of the number also lists the traditional set split. Dancers are ordered in the program according to set dance. Traditional set dancers cannot change their dance.