Thursday, December 18, 2008

$20,000 in Grants to the World Championships from the IDTAMA

The Irish Dance Teachers Association of Mid America is proud to support its dancers. The success of the Mid America Oireachtasi has allowed the IDTAMA to financially give back to the children. Since 2003, $86,500 has been used to sponsor qualifiers competing in the World Championships.

Funding for this year has been increased to $20,000, which will be awarded to selected qualifiers for the 2009 World Championships in Philadelphia. Preceding the parade of champions on Sunday evening, the following dancers were selected to each receive a $500 grant (drawing from the top three placers in every World qualifying age group). The champion of the Senior Mens and Senior Ladies competitions are also awarded $500 each.

Congratulations to the following World Qualifiers who will receive a $500 grant for the 2009 World Championships! (Checks will be mailed to the teachers).

Sr. Lady Clare Nix -- Dennehy School
Sr. Man Sean Sullivan -- Tim O'Hare School
1 Brea McGaffey -- Flanagan-O'Hare School
2 Mallory Wendt -- Trinity Academy
3 Alicia Andersen -- Clarkson School
4 Bridget Smith -- Dennehy School
5 Jillian Oury -- Trinity Academy
6 Alanna Morsby -- McGing Irish Dancers
7 Ian Schwartz -- Anam Mor
8 Drew Lovejoy -- Nugent School
9 Michael Holland -- Richens/Timm Academy
10 Dan Medora -- Cashel Dennehy
11 Kathryn Muise -- Tim O'Hare School
12 Elizabeth Bish -- Trinity Academy
13 Brian McLaughlin -- McGing Irish Dancers
14 Carly Haslee -- Trinity Academy
15 Caitlin O'Rourke -- Tim O'Hare School
16 Peter Dziak -- Trinity Academy
17 Daniel McCormick -- Burke School
18 Deirdre Robinett -- McGing Irish Dancers
19 Jack Fleck -- Richens/Timm Academy
20 Brendan Mullane -- Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Academy
21 Tyler Schwartz -- Anam Mor
22 Veronica Lilja -- Tim O'Hare School
23 Tara Stone -- Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Academy
24 Colleen Dumke -- Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Academy
25 Emma Curran -- Trinity Academy
26 MacKenzie Holland -- Trinity Academy
27 Abbey Pluth -- Dennehy School
28 John Godley -- Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Academy
29 Mary Claire McDonnell -- Anam Mor
30 Kelcey Steele -- McGing Irish Dancers
31 Bridget Downes -- Dennehy School
32 Alicia Sbertoli -- Trinity Academy
33 Kevin Duncan -- Burke School
34 Alexa Peter -- Trinity Academy
35 Lyndsey Faherty -- Richens/Timm Academy
36 Jonathon O'Leary -- Mullane-Healy-O'Brien Academy
37 Maura Conlin -- Lavin Cassidy
38 Jennifer Heitkemper -- McGing Irish Dancers